Round 4: complete

Another five-day hospital stay is wrapping up as Tommy completes his fourth round of chemotherapy. He has been handling the treatments like a champ. The drugs make him much more tired than usual, and he feels some discomfort in his stomach, but overall his side effects are managed very well.

Tommy enjoyed a lot of visitors this week and a lot of game nights. Uno and Poetry for Neanderthals got a lot of play time and plenty of laughs. We also had a great time at a special event where Tommy was able to meet and chat with Gopher football player Koi Perich.

These moments all brought joy to us when we really need it. While chemo has been going well, we're struggling with conflicting opinions about his upcoming surgery, and mourning the profound loss of a dear family friend who passed unexpectedly two weeks ago. It's made a challenging time even more difficult.

As always, we are deeply grateful to have each other, and as Tommy often says, "we'll get through this as a family." He is exactly right. And we'll get through it with all of the love and support from our extended family, friends, and community who continue to surround us with love. We feel so fortunate. Thank you all for following his updates and showing up for us. ❤️

Y se nos va otra semana en el hospital!  Tommy ya completó su cuarta ronda de quimio y, como siempre, lo está haciendo excelente y con la mejor actitud.  Los remedios lo tienen un poco más cansado y con mas dolor a la guatita, pero nada que no se pueda controlar.

Esta semana estuvo llena de visitas y de risas. Jugamos Uno y Poesía para los Neandertales. Y ni les contamos lo feliz que se puso Tommy cuando conoció al Koi Perich, que es todo un crack en el equipo fútbol americano de la Universidad de Minnesota.

Estos momentos así son los que nos hacen  felices, cuando más lo necesitamos. Aunque la quimio va bien, estamos un poco ansiosos con las decisiones que tenemos que tomar para su operación a la rodilla, y para colmo, hace poco Tommy perdió a un amigo muy querido de su infancia en forma inesperada y eso nos ha pegado fuerte.

Pero como siempre decimos, en familia se sale adelante. Y Tommy tiene toda la razón, con el cariño y apoyo de todos ustedes, vamos a salir de esta! ❤️ Gracias por estar siempre ahí para nosotros! Los queremos mucho!


Making the brave choice.


Treatment plan is moving fast. LFG.